Professor, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Head of the Department, Lecturer of Medical Ethics.
Appointment by phone: (+370 5) 219 3283 or (+370 5) 239 8743.
Publications from the ISI Web of Sciences database
- Gefenas E., Lukaseviciene V. International capacity-building initiatives for national bioethics committees. Hastings center report, 2017, Vol. 47, Iss. suppl. S1. p.p. 10-13. ISSN: 0093-0334 ; E-ISSN: 1552-146X ; DOI: 10.1002/hast.711
- Gefenas E., Cekanauskaite A., Lekstutiene J., Lukaseviciene V. Application challenges of the new EU Clinical Trials Regulation. European journal of clinical pharmacology, 2017, pp. 1-4. ISSN: 0031-6970 ; DOI: 10.1007/s00228-017-2267-6.
- Dranseika V., Gefenas E., Waligora M. Broadening the “Infrastructure Effect”: Lessons from the Early Development of Research Ethics in Eastern Europe. The American Journal of Bioethics, 2016, Vol. 16, No. 6, pp. 26-28.
- Sean Philpott-Jones, Eugenijus Gefenas, Cheryl Cox Macpherson, Martin A. Strosberg, Robert T. Hall. Fogarty and Charge of Moral Imperialism: A Response to Hellmann et al. Archives of Medical Research 47 (2016), pp. 65-66.
- Strosberg M., Gefenas E., Famenka A. Research Ethics Review: Identifying Public Policy and Program Gaps. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics, 2014, Vol. 9, No 2. pp. 3-11.
- Strosberg M., Gefenas E., Loue S., Philpott S. Building Research Ethics Capacity in Post-Communist Countries: Experience of Two Fogarty Training Programs. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics, 2013, Vol. 8, No. 5, pp. 28 – 39.
- Serepkaite J., Valuckiene Z., Gefenas E. ‘Mirroring’ the Ethics of Biobanking: What Analysis of Consent Documents Can Tell Us? Science and Engineering Ethics, 2013, p. 1471-5546.
- Williams, J. R., Sprumont, D., Hirtle, M., Adebamowo, C., Braunschweiger, P., Bull, S., Burri, C., Czarkowski, M., Te Fan, C., Franck, C., Gefenas, E., Geissbuhler, A., Klingmann, I., Kouyaté, B., Kraehenbhul, J., Kruger, M., Moodley, K., Ntoumi, F., Nyirenda, T., Pym, A., Silverman, H., Tenorio, S. Consensus standards for introductory e-learning courses in human participants research ethics. Journal of Medical Ethics. London: BMJ Group, 2013, p. 1 – 4, ISSN 0306-6800.
- Schroeder D., Gefenas E. Revising the Declaration of Helsinki Protecting or Patronizing Vulnerable Research Participants? BMJ: British Medical Journal London: BMJ Group, 2013, ISSN 0959-8138.
- Gefenas E., Dranseika V., Serepkaite J., Cekanauskaite A., Caenazzo L., Gordijn B., Pegoraro R., Yuko E. Turning Residual Human Biological Materials into Research Collections: Playing with Consent. Journal of Medical Ethics, 2012, no.38, p. 351-355.
- Dranseika V., Gefenas E., Čekanauskaitė A., Hug K., Mezinska S., Peičius E., Silis V., Soosaar A., Strosberg M., Twenty years of human research ethics committees in the Baltic states, Developing world bioethics, 2011, vol. 11, no 1, p. 48–54, ISSN 1471-8731.
- Schroeder, D., Gefenas, E. Realizing benefit sharing – the case of post- study obligations, Bioethics, 17 JAN 2011, ISSN 1467-8519 (online).
- Gefenas E., Dranseika V., Čekanauskaitė A., Hug K., Mezinska S., Peičius E., Silis V., Soosaar A., Strosberg M., Non-equivalent Stringency of Ethical Review in the Baltic States: A Sign of a Systematic Problem in Europe?, Journal of Medical Ethics, 2010; nr. 36, p. 435–439.
- Gefenas E., Application of international guidelines to national regulations on research: building research ethics infrastructure in Lithuania, Lolas F. (red.), Dimensiones Éticas de las Regulaciones en Salud, CIEB – Universidad de Chile, Monografias de ACTA BIOETHICA, 2009; nr. 3, p. 128–140. ISSN 0717-5906.
- Dranseika V., Gefenas E., Noreika S., Neuroetikos žemėlapis, Problemos, 2009; nr. 76, p. 66–73.
- Schroeder D., Gefenas E., Vulnerability: Too Vague and Too Broad?, Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, 2009; 18(2) p. 113–121.
- Gefenas E., Balancing Ethical Principles in Emergency Medicine Research, Science and Engineering Ethics, 2007; 13(3), p. 281–288.
- Gefenas E., The Concept of Risk and Responsible Conduct of Research, Science and Engineering Ethics, 2006; 12(1), p. 75–83.
- Tripp J. H., Crawley F. P., Kubar O., Gefenas E., Ethical approval for health research, Clinical Medicine, 2001; 1(4), p. 325–6. ISSN: 1470-2118.
Publications approved by The Research Council of Lithuania
- Čekanauskaitė A., Gefenas E. Gydymo ir mokslinio tyrimo painiavos problema klinikiniuose tyrimuose.Visuomenės sveikata. 2012, nr. 1. p. 11-21.
- Endriukaitytė S., Jonuškaitė D., Gefenas E. Konfidencialumas gydytojo praktikoje. Visuomenės sveikata. Vilnius: Higienos institutas. ISSN 1392-2696. 2012, nr. 3, p. 19-25.
- Virbalis R., Gefenas E. Gydytojų profesinės autonomijos etinės problemos: Lietuvos atvejis.Visuomenės sveikata. 2012, nr. 2, p. 16-24.
- Gefenas E., Cekanauskaite A., Tuzaite E., Dranseika V., Characiejus D. Does the “new philosophy” in predictive, preventive and personalised medicine require new ethics? The EPMA Journal, 2011, vol. 2, no. 2., p. 141-147.
- Čekanauskaitė A., Gefenas E., Informuoto asmens sutikimas: ką turėtų žinoti ir ką iš tiesų žino biomedicininių tyrimų dalyviai?, Visuomenės sveikata, 2010; 4(51), p. 45–52.
- Paukštytė I., Gefenas E., Istorinė biomedicininių tyrimų su žmonėmis etikos raida, Visuomenės sveikata, 2010; 3(50), p. 9–18.
- Steinkamp N., Gordijn B., Borovecki A., Gefenas E., Glasa J., Guerrier M., Meulenbergs T., Różyńska J., Slowther A., Regulation of Healthcare Committees in Europe, Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy, 2007; 10(4), p. 461–475.
- Gefenas E., Bioethics in Modern Medicine, Acta Medica Lituanica, 2006; 13(1), p. 1.
- Peičius E., Gefenas E., Pacientų dalyvavimas priimant jų sveikatą lemiančius sprendimus sveikatos priežiūroje, Inžinerinė ekonomika, 2004; 4(39), p. 84–90, ISSN 1392-2785.
- Gefenas E., A short information on Lithuanian National Committee on Biomedical Ethics, J Int Bioethique, 2000; Mar 11 (1), p. 63. 12174859. (MEDLINE)
- Čekanauskaitė A., Gefenas E. Etiniai bendravimo su onkologinėmis ligomis sergančiaisiais aspektai / Krūties vėžys: moksliniai ir klinikiniai aspektai. Mokslinė mokomoji monografija. Nanionalinis vėžio institutas, 2016. pp. 472-501.
- Gefenas E., Tuzaitė E. Persons without the capacity to consent. Handbook of global bioethics/Editors: Henk A.M.J. ten Have, Bert Gordijn. Dordrecht: Springer, 2014, p. 85-103.
- Gefenas E., Psichiatrija ir medicinos etika, Psichiatrija, red. A. Dembinskas, Vilnius: UAB Vaistų žinios, 2003; p. 51–63.
- Gefenas E., Bioethics, Professional Codes and Law, Hospital Based Bioethics: European Perspective, red. R. Pegoraro, G. Putoto, E. Wray. Piccin: Piccin, 2007; p. 1–17, ISBN: 978-88-299-1841-6.
- Gefenas E., Social Justice and Solidarity, Bioethics in a European Perspective, red. H. ten Have, B. Gordjin, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001; p. 119–229.
- Gefenas E., Research: Human subjects. In H. Ten Have (ed.), Encyclopedia of Global Bioethics, 2015, ISBN: 978-3-319-05544-2 (Online), pp 1-9.
- Gefenas E. Informed Consent. In: Ruth Chadwick, editor. Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics, Second Edition, volume 2. San Diego: Academic Press, 2011, p. 721–730.
- Gefenas E., The discources of bioethics in post-communist Eastern Europe, The Cambridge World History of Medical Ethics, red. Robert B. Baker, Laurence B. McCullough. Cambridge University Press, 2009; p. 495–500.
Other publications
- Gefenas E. Clinical Ethics Committees and Ethics Support Infrastructure: a European Perspective. Asian Bioethics Review. 2011, vol. 3, iss. 3, p. 293-298.
- Gefenas E., Dranseika V., Cekanauskaite A., Serepkaite J. Research on Human Biological Materials: What Consent is Needed and When. In: Christian Lenk, Judit Sandor and Bert Gordijn (eds.) Biobanks and Tissue Research. Springer, Series: The international library of ethics, law and technology, 2011, p. 95-110.
- Gefenas, E., Čekanauskaitė, A., Veniūtė, M., Noreika, S. Medicinos etikos raida Vilniaus universiteto Medicinos fakultete 1993-2005 metais. Vilniaus medicinos istorijos almanachas. II., 2006; p. 298-304. ISBN 13920030.
- Gefenas E., Ethics support in clinical practice in Europe: Lithuania. Med Etika Bioet; 2005; 11(Suppl.), p. 17. PMID: 16607724 . (MEDLINE)
- Čekanauskaitė A., Gefenas E., Research Ethics Committees in Lithuania, Research Ethics Committees, Data Protection and Medical Research in European Countries, red. D. Beyleveld, D. Townend, S. Rouillé-Mirza and J. Wright. Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2005; p. 141–147, ISBN 0 7546 4350 6.
- Gefenas E., Changing Patterns of Protection and Care for Incapable Adults: Perspective from a European Transition Society, Ethical Foundations of Palliative Care for Alzheimer Disease, red. R. B. Purtilo and H. ten Have, Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004; p. 278–289, ISBN 0-8018-7870-5.
- Gefenas E., Central and Eastern Europe: Research-related Problems for Transition Countries, Ethical Eye: Biomedical Research, Council of Europe Publishing, 2004; p. 121–132, ISSN 92-871-5462-7.
- Čekanauskaitė A., Gefenas E., The Implementation of Directive 95/46/EC in Relation to Medical Research in Lithuania, Implementation of the Data Protection Directive in Relation to Medical Research in Europe, red. D. Beyleveld, D. Townend, S. Rouillé-Mirza and J. Wright. Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2004; p. 219–228, ISBN 0 7546 2369 6.
- Gefenas E., Ethical Dilemmas and Health Legislation within a Transition Society,Frontiers of European Health Law Yearbook 2002, red. A. de Exter and J. Sandor, Roterdam: Erasmus University Press, 2003; p. 183–193.
- Gefenas E., Čekanauskaitė A., Tyrimų etikos reglamentavimas Lietuvoje / National Regulations on Ethics and Research in Lithuania, Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2003; ISBN 92-894-6696-0.
- Gefenas E., Bioetika, Visuotinė lietuvių enciklopedija, III t. Vilnius: Mokslo ir enciklopedijų leidybos institutas, 2003; p. 195–196.
- Gefenas E., Controversies of Biomedical Research in the context of European Transition Society, Proceedings of the International Conference on Bioethics in Central and Eastern Europe, Vilnius: Lithuanian National Commission for UNESCO, 2003; p. 80–86.
- Gimbel R. W., Strosberg M. A., Lehrman S. E., Gefenas E., Taft F., Presumed Consent and Other Predictors of Cadaveric Organ Donation in Europe, Progress in Transplantation, 2003; 13(1), p.17–24.
- Gefenas E., Importance of Medical Humanities, Proceedings of the seminar: Integration of Medical Humanities into the Education of Health Care professionals, red. E. Gefenas and A. Čekanauskaitė, Vilnius: Mokslo aidai, 2002; p. 4–9.
- Gefenas E., Is „Failure to Thrive“ Syndrom Relevant to Lithuanian Healthcare Ethics Committees?, HealthCare Ethics Committee Forum, 2001; 13(4), p. 381–392.
- Gefenas E., Amžinieji žmonijos klausimai ir svajonės, Bioetika Europoje, red. A. Rogers, D. D. de Bousingen, Vilnius: Kultūra, 2001; p. 9–11.
- Gefenas E., Genetics: Ethical Challenges in the Baltic Countries, Who Owns Our Genes?Copenhagen: Nordic Council of Ministres, 2000; p. 121–127.
- Gefenas E., Informed Consent within the Transition Society, Recognition and Protection of Patients Rights, ed. J. Fridli, Budapest, 2000; p. 44–49.
- Gefenas E., Navickienė V., Čekanauskaitė A., Hospital Ethics Committees in Lithuania: Challenges of the Transition Society, Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy, 3(3), 2000; p. 342.
- Gefenas E., Biomedical Research Policies: Moral Insight or a Compromise, Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy, 1999; 2(2), p. 205–207.
- Gefenas E., AIDS: Ethics, Justice and European Policy, Final report of a European Commission research project. Luxemburg: European Communities, 1998; p. 210 (33 participants of the project from different European countries).
- Gefenas E., A Contract or an Encounter, Advances in Bioethics, Critical Reflections on Medical Ethics, red. M. Evans, London: JAI Press Inc, 1998; p. 307–320.
- Gefenas E., Teisingumas ir šiuolaikinės medicinos kolizijos, Filosofija, sociologija, 1997; nr. 2, p. 75–81.
- Gefenas E., Health Care Ethics in Post-communist Society: A Baltic Perspective, Everyday Life in the Baltic States, red. M. Taljunaitė, Vilnius: Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, 1997; p. 241–251.
- Gefenas E., Šiuolaikinė medicina ir moralinės dilemos, Medicina, 1997; nr. 33, p. 21–25.
- Gefenas E., Eutanazija. Vilnius: Ethos, 1995.
- Gefenas E., Health Care in Lithuania: From Idealism to Reality, Reforming Health Care: The Philosophy and Practice of International Health Reform, red. D. Seedhouse, John Wiley & Sons, 1995; p. 121–127.
- Gefenas E., Medical Ethics and Encounter with Suffering, Proceedings of the First World Congress of Medicine and Philosophy, Paris, Bulletin of the ESPMH, 1995; T.3:4, Special Issue on CD-Rom.
- Gefenas E., Borissov V., Salchev P., Blasszauer B., Post-socialist health care: an aimless transition?, Health Care Analysis, 1994; 2 (2), p. 89–99, 10134798. (MEDLINE; SpringerLINK)
- Gefenas E., Hipokrato ir šiuolaikinė medicinos etika, Vilnius: Ethos, 1993.
- Gefenas E., Resource Allocation in Lithuanian Health Care, Journal of Health Care, Medicine and Community: 1993; 4, p. 43–50 (in Japanese).
- Gefenas E., Moralinės dilemos ir daktaro-paciento santykiai, Sveikata, 1988; nr. 5.