
Naujausi A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T V W Y Z

ISBN: 0-751-20313-0
Brūkšninis kodas: 4202202
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     This book contains some of the essential pervasive concepts that appear in most nursing models constructed to reflect the holistic nature of man and the organismic nature of nursing responses to human needs. These concepts seek to reunite what is known of man`s parts into man`s reality. Man`s reality is organismic a united whole whose parts are not equal to or greater than the whole but entirely differenet from the whole. Nurses seek a theory and practice model that reestablishes the integrity of man1s nature and his interdependence on his environment a model that affirms man`s unity and accounts for his responses as a total being a holistic model that will enable nursing care to be given in a way that consistently facilitates health, wholeness, growth, and self-actualization.

1. The nursing process, 1
The person – a philosophical statement, 1
Nursing – a philosophical statement, 2
Nursing functions and levels of prevention, 3
Nursing process, 6
Data collection, 7
Formulation of the nursing diagnosis, 9
Planning and implementation, 11
Evaluation, 17
Summary, 19
2. The emergence of the self, 24
Infancy: birth to 1½ years, 27
Toddler years: 1½ to 3½ years, 30
Early childhood: 3½ to 7 years, 33
Middle childhood: 7 to 12 years, 36
Adolescence: 12 to 19 years, 38
Adulthood, 41
Middle age, 42
Old age, 45
3. The dynamics of self-growth, 48
Variables of the self, 49
Body image, 51
Self-ideal, 57
Self-concept, 58
Self-esteem, 61
Influences on the self, 65
The healthy personality, 69
Nursing and self-awareness, 72
4. Communication, 77
Communication defined, 78
Levels of communication, 86
Metacommunication, 86
Congruent communication, 86
Examination of the communication process, 87
Patterns of communication, 90
Factors affecting the communication process, 92
Therapeutic communication techniques, 93
Barries to communication, 98
Nontherapeutic communication techniques, 100
Special communication problems, 103
Structured communication – health education, 107
The need for health education, 108
Health education and the nursing process, 108
Acquisition of communication skills, 109
Evaluation of nurse-client communication, 110
Summary, 114
5. The nurse-client relationship: theoretical concepts, 118
Concept of trust, 121
Concept of empathy, 123
Concept of caring or love, 127
Concepts of autonomy and mutuality, 130
The course of the helping relationships, 134
Preinteraction phase, 134
Introductory or orientation phase, 136
Location, frequency, and length of meetings, 137
Overall purpose of the relationship, 137
Duration of the relationship and indications for termination, 138
Way in which confidential material will be handled, 138
Maintaining or working phase, 139
Termination phase, 148
Summary, 151
6. Stress and adaptation, 154
Definitions relative to stress, 154
The stress response, 159
Psychophysiology of the stress response, 161
Adaptation, 166
Behaviors of adaptation, 167
Direct actions, 169
Indirect actions, 170
Physical reactions, 175
Stress, adaptation, and nursing, 176
Holistic health, 178
Summary, 179
7. Nursing intervention, 185
Process recording, 186
Nursing care plan, 188
Supervision, 190
Case study, 190
Experiental and simulated learning exercises, 231

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