Scientific Secretary, Institute of Legal and Political Research of Academy of Sciences of Moldova
- Sprincean S. Presiunea politică, bioetica şi securitatea globală.[Political pressure, bioethics and global security] In: Revista Studia Securitatis [Sibiu, Romania], Nr.2, 2014, p. 117-126. ISSN 1843-1925
- Цырдя Т. Н., Cпринчан С. Л. К вопросу о необходимости обоснования политической биоэтики. [Toward the necessity of fundamentation of political bioethics] In: Биоэтика (BIOETHICS). Федеральный научно-практический журнал. [Volgograd, RF]. №2, 2014 (14), p. 13-17. Impact Factor (РИНЦ): 0,7. ISSN 2070-1586. УДК: 172:32.
- Sprincean S., Sprincean M. Bioethical, humanistic and technocratic resources of enhancing of civilian control in human genetics. In: European Journal of Human Genetics. Volume 22, supplement 1, May 2014 / European Human Genetics Conference 2014, May 31 – June 3, Milan, Italy: nature publishing group (NPG), 2014, abstract nr. J18.02, p. 512. Impact Factor 4.319 ISSN: 1018-4813.
- Sprincean S. Critical review on national policy in the field of bioethics and research ethics in Republic of Moldova. In: Science and Humanism in the Knowledge Society / Ed. Marțian Iovan, Arad: ”Vasile Goldiș” University Press, 2013, p. 175-184. ISBN 978-973-664-666-9
- Sprincean S. Biotechnology and ethics: moral meaning of biotechnological securitization in global context. In Current Opinion in Biotechnology. [Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA]. European Biotechnology Congress 2013, 16-18 May 2013, Bratislava, Slovakia. Volume 24, July 2013, Supplement 1, Page S33. 5-Year Impact Factor: 9.006. ISSN: 0958-1669
- Sprincean S.L. Adopting the National Bioethical Strategy as a political and legal priority in Republic of Moldova. În: Етичнi проблеми профiлактичноï медицини: вплив довкiлля, харчування та умов працi на здоров’я населення. Матерiали VI Мiжнародного симпозiуму з бiоетики. 11-12 жовтня 2012 р., Киïв: «Арктур-А», 2012, c. 3-5. УДК 17.011:17.022.1:167.7 ББК 87.75