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Kategorijų archyvai: Neklasifikuota
Italy’s uphill battle to force health workers to get vaccinated
The Rome government decided to take a tough stance on 31 March, approving emergency legislation to make coronavirus vaccines mandatory for all health care workers, including pharmacy staff. Those who refuse can be transferred to another job without risk of … Tęsti skaitymą
Paskelbta Neklasifikuota
Komentarai įrašui Italy’s uphill battle to force health workers to get vaccinated yra išjungti
ECHR rules obligatory vaccination may be necessary
The ruling is the first time the European Court of Human Rights has weighed in on the issue of compulsory vaccinations. The ruling could play a role in efforts to end the COVID-19 pandemic. „The measures could be regarded as … Tęsti skaitymą
Paskelbta Neklasifikuota
Komentarai įrašui ECHR rules obligatory vaccination may be necessary yra išjungti
Mokyklų atstovas Žvirdauskas: kai kuriose įstaigose atsisako skiepytis net iki 20 proc. mokytojų, o ką mums, direktoriams, daryti?
Mokytojų bendruomenėje verdant aistroms dėl skiepijimo nuo COVID-19, daugėja atsisakančiųjų vakcinavimo. Sveikatos apsaugos viceministrė Ž. Simonaitytė sakė, kad klausimas dėl atsisakymo skiepytis kilo ir vakcinuojant medikus. „Atsakymo ieškoti turbūt turi ieškoti Žmogaus teisių komitetas. Kur yra riba tarp žmogaus teisės … Tęsti skaitymą
Paskelbta Neklasifikuota
Komentarai įrašui Mokyklų atstovas Žvirdauskas: kai kuriose įstaigose atsisako skiepytis net iki 20 proc. mokytojų, o ką mums, direktoriams, daryti? yra išjungti
Meet Elizabeth Ann the ferret: The first endangered American animal to be cloned
Scientists have cloned an endangered US animal for the first time, creating a black-footed ferret named Elizabeth Ann from the frozen cells of an ancestor in a landmark achievement that boosts conservation efforts. She was born to a surrogate mother … Tęsti skaitymą
Paskelbta Neklasifikuota
Komentarai įrašui Meet Elizabeth Ann the ferret: The first endangered American animal to be cloned yra išjungti
AI could make health care fairer—by helping us believe what patients say
In the last few years, research has shown that deep learning can match expert-level performance in medical imaging tasks like early cancer detection and eye disease diagnosis. But there’s also cause for caution. Other research has shown that deep learning … Tęsti skaitymą
Paskelbta Neklasifikuota
Komentarai įrašui AI could make health care fairer—by helping us believe what patients say yra išjungti
America Is Letting the Coronavirus Rage Through Prisons
As Americans grapple with how — or whether — to gather with loved ones this holiday season, the roughly two million people confined in the nation’s prisons and jails face an even grimmer challenge: how to stay alive inside a system … Tęsti skaitymą
Paskelbta Neklasifikuota
Komentarai įrašui America Is Letting the Coronavirus Rage Through Prisons yra išjungti
As Russia Begins Mass Coronavirus Vaccination, Its Medics Aren’t On Board
In early October, as the second wave of Russia’s Covid-19 pandemic gathered strength, the bosses of central Moscow’s Clinic Number 3 instructed their employees to receive Sputnik V, the Russian-developed coronavirus vaccine starting a mass rollout this week. While compulsory … Tęsti skaitymą
Paskelbta Neklasifikuota
Komentarai įrašui As Russia Begins Mass Coronavirus Vaccination, Its Medics Aren’t On Board yra išjungti
‘There is a fear that this will eradicate dwarfism’: the controversy over a new growth drug
A new treatment could help children with achondroplasia, the most common form of dwarfism, grow taller and avoid health problems in later life. But there are concerns about whether this is ethical. more
Paskelbta Neklasifikuota
Komentarai įrašui ‘There is a fear that this will eradicate dwarfism’: the controversy over a new growth drug yra išjungti
COVID-19 Phone Tracking Apps: This Is What Millions Of New Users Need To Know
Controversial digital contact tracing platforms are now deploying worldwide. The use of phones to track the movements and trace the contacts of hundreds of millions of citizens is unprecedented. It is also unproven. More worryingly, there’s now evidence to suggest … Tęsti skaitymą
Paskelbta Neklasifikuota
Komentarai įrašui COVID-19 Phone Tracking Apps: This Is What Millions Of New Users Need To Know yra išjungti
How Much Should the Public Know About Who Has a Coronavirus?
When the first case of the coronavirus in Silicon Valley was discovered in late January, health officials were faced with a barrage of questions: What city did the patient live in? Whom had he come in contact with? Which health … Tęsti skaitymą
Paskelbta Medikų ir pacientų santykiai, Neklasifikuota
Komentarai įrašui How Much Should the Public Know About Who Has a Coronavirus? yra išjungti