Naujausi A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T V W Y Z
ISBN: 0-7102-0847-2
Brūkšninis kodas: 4036680
Ieškoti VUB kataloge
Contributors vii
Preface ix
Acknowledgmnets xi
1 The challenge of applied ethics
Richard M. Fox and Joseph P. DeMarco 1
Section I: Contemporary ethical theory
Introduction 21
2 Utilitarianism and its applications
J.J.C. Smart 24
3 A contractualist alternative
T.M. Scanlon 42
4 Recent Thomistic ethics
Vernon J. Bourke 58
5 Existentialist ethics
Charles Guignon 73
6 Marxism, morality and moral philosophy
Kai Nielsen 92
7 Pragmatic sensibility: the morality of experience
John J. McDermott 113
Section II: fields of applied ethics
Introduction 137
8 Biomedical ethics: A precocious youth
Mary B. Mahowald 141
9 Business ethics
Norman E. Bowie 158
10 Reverse discrimination and equal opportunity
Robert Fullinwider 173
11 The ethics of nuclear strategy
James P. Sterba 190
12 Applied ethics and the vocation of social science
Bruce Jennings 205
Section II: The future of ethics
Introduction 221
13 Why do applied ethics?
R.M. Hare 225
14 The future of ethics
R.B. Brandt 238
15 Ethical theory in the twienty0first century
Michael D. Bayles 249
16 How medicine saved the life of ethics
Stephen Toulmin 265
17 Ethics, science and moral philosophy
Marcus G. Singer 282
18 Moral philosophy and the future
William K. Frankena 299
19 Ethical theory and moral practice: on the terms of their relation
Abraham Edel 317
ISBN: 0-7102-0847-2
Brūkšninis kodas: 4036680
Ieškoti VUB kataloge
This specially written textbook examines the extent to which existing ethical theory can provide an adequate framework for the resolution of practical moral issues. The contributors, all leading moral philosophers, provide an authoritative, comprehensive and up-to-date account of recent trends and developments in ethical theory, with special emphasis on current issues in applied ethics. They explain the dominant ethical theories, survey major fields of applied ethics, speculate about the future of ethics, and offer new perspectives.
Contributors vii
Preface ix
Acknowledgmnets xi
1 The challenge of applied ethics
Richard M. Fox and Joseph P. DeMarco 1
Section I: Contemporary ethical theory
Introduction 21
2 Utilitarianism and its applications
J.J.C. Smart 24
3 A contractualist alternative
T.M. Scanlon 42
4 Recent Thomistic ethics
Vernon J. Bourke 58
5 Existentialist ethics
Charles Guignon 73
6 Marxism, morality and moral philosophy
Kai Nielsen 92
7 Pragmatic sensibility: the morality of experience
John J. McDermott 113
Section II: fields of applied ethics
Introduction 137
8 Biomedical ethics: A precocious youth
Mary B. Mahowald 141
9 Business ethics
Norman E. Bowie 158
10 Reverse discrimination and equal opportunity
Robert Fullinwider 173
11 The ethics of nuclear strategy
James P. Sterba 190
12 Applied ethics and the vocation of social science
Bruce Jennings 205
Section II: The future of ethics
Introduction 221
13 Why do applied ethics?
R.M. Hare 225
14 The future of ethics
R.B. Brandt 238
15 Ethical theory in the twienty0first century
Michael D. Bayles 249
16 How medicine saved the life of ethics
Stephen Toulmin 265
17 Ethics, science and moral philosophy
Marcus G. Singer 282
18 Moral philosophy and the future
William K. Frankena 299
19 Ethical theory and moral practice: on the terms of their relation
Abraham Edel 317