Bioetikos naujienos

Vakcinavimo eilės rebusas: kodėl Izraelis skuba skiepyti moksleivius, o Indonezija neskiepija senjorų

Ką pirmiausia skiepyti, kad koronaviruso sukelta situacija kuo greičiau gerėtų, – šį klausimą patvirtinus vakcinas nuo COVID-19 sprendė visas pasaulis. Lietuva, kaip ir daugelis šalių, pasirinko pradėti nuo pažeidžiamiausių grupių – vyresnių žmonių. Tačiau pasaulyje yra pavyzdžių, kai prioritetas suteikiamas moksleiviams, kurių laukia egzaminai, arba dirbantiesiems.


Paskelbta Sveikatos resursų skirstymo problemos | Komentarai įrašui Vakcinavimo eilės rebusas: kodėl Izraelis skuba skiepyti moksleivius, o Indonezija neskiepija senjorų yra išjungti

Santaros klinikose transplantuoti COVID-19 liga sirgusio donoro inkstai

VUL Santaros klinikose atliktos išskirtinės transplantacijos: COVID-19 liga sirgusio donoro, kurio nosiaryklėje mėginyje vis dar buvo aptinkamas SARS-CoV-2 RNR, inkstai buvo persodinti dviem šio organo transplantacijos laukusiems pacientams, anksčiau persirgusiems koronavirusine infekcija ir turintiems apsauginį antikūnų titrą


Paskelbta Organų ir audinių transplantavimas/Donorystė | Komentarai įrašui Santaros klinikose transplantuoti COVID-19 liga sirgusio donoro inkstai yra išjungti

WHO: Low Income Countries Not Getting COVID-19 Vaccine

The World Health Organization says wealthy nations have bought most of the current supply of available COVID-19 vaccine, leaving the world’s poorest nations unable to obtain them. The WHO chief said the hoarding of vaccine by the richest nations – which he calls “vaccine nationalism” – is self-defeating and hurts the entire world.


Paskelbta Sveikatos resursų skirstymo problemos | Komentarai įrašui WHO: Low Income Countries Not Getting COVID-19 Vaccine yra išjungti

Russia cuts size of COVID-19 vaccine study, stops enrollment

Russia’s Health Ministry agreed to cut the size of a study of a domestically developed coronavirus vaccine and to stop the enrollment of volunteers. The decision comes a week after developers said enrollment of study volunteers has slowed since Russia began giving out the Sputnik V vaccine while the late-stage study was still continuing. They also cited ethical concerns about giving a dummy shot to some of the volunteers. The study size was cut to about 31,000 from 40,000 participants.


Paskelbta Biomedicininių tyrimų etika | Komentarai įrašui Russia cuts size of COVID-19 vaccine study, stops enrollment yra išjungti

FDA approves new genetically modified pig for allergy-free medical and food products

The US Food and Drug Administration said it has approved a genetically modified pig whose body doesn’t make a component that can trigger allergies in people.The pigs should produce meat that is safe to eat, and organs and tissues safe for transplants and for the other biomedical uses for people allergic to the compound — a sugar found on the surface of animal cells known as alpha-gal, the FDA said.


Paskelbta Be kategorijos | Komentarai įrašui FDA approves new genetically modified pig for allergy-free medical and food products yra išjungti

America Is Letting the Coronavirus Rage Through Prisons

As Americans grapple with how — or whether — to gather with loved ones this holiday season, the roughly two million people confined in the nation’s prisons and jails face an even grimmer challenge: how to stay alive inside a system being ravaged by the coronavirus pandemic.


Paskelbta Neklasifikuota | Komentarai įrašui America Is Letting the Coronavirus Rage Through Prisons yra išjungti

As Russia Begins Mass Coronavirus Vaccination, Its Medics Aren’t On Board

In early October, as the second wave of Russia’s Covid-19 pandemic gathered strength, the bosses of central Moscow’s Clinic Number 3 instructed their employees to receive Sputnik V, the Russian-developed coronavirus vaccine starting a mass rollout this week. While compulsory vaccination of frontline health, education and social workers is already underway, many of the medical professionals with priority access to Sputnik V are deeply sceptical of it.


Paskelbta Neklasifikuota | Komentarai įrašui As Russia Begins Mass Coronavirus Vaccination, Its Medics Aren’t On Board yra išjungti

The Elderly vs. Essential Workers: Who Should Get the Coronavirus Vaccine First?

With the coronavirus pandemic surging and initial vaccine supplies limited, the United States faces a hard choice: Should the country’s immunization program focus in the early months on the elderly and people with serious medical conditions, who are dying of the virus at the highest rates, or on essential workers, an expansive category encompassing Americans who have borne the greatest risk of infection?


Paskelbta Sveikatos resursų skirstymo problemos | Komentarai įrašui The Elderly vs. Essential Workers: Who Should Get the Coronavirus Vaccine First? yra išjungti

Baby born from 27-year-old embryo believed to have broken record set by her big sister

Though Molly Gibson is just over one month old, she could’ve been born at any point in the last 27 years. Her embryo was frozen in October 1992 and stayed frozen until earlier 2020, when Tina and Ben Gibson of Tennessee adopted her embryo. Tina gave birth to Molly in late October — nearly 27 years after her embryo was first frozen.


Paskelbta Gyvenimo pradžios etinės problemos | Komentarai įrašui Baby born from 27-year-old embryo believed to have broken record set by her big sister yra išjungti

The Last Children of Down Syndrome

In 2004 Denmark became one of the first countries in the world to offer prenatal Down syndrome screening to every pregnant woman, regardless of age or other risk factors. Nearly all expecting mothers choose to take the test; of those who get a Down syndrome diagnosis, more than 95 percent choose to abort. Since universal screening was introduced, the number of children born with Down syndrome has fallen sharply. In 2019, only 18 were born in the entire country.

Down syndrome was one of the first genetic conditions to be routinely screened for in utero, and it remains the most morally troubling because it is among the least severe. It is very much compatible with life—even a long, happy life. The forces of scientific progress are now marching toward ever more testing to detect ever more genetic conditions.


Paskelbta Gyvenimo pradžios etinės problemos | Komentarai įrašui The Last Children of Down Syndrome yra išjungti